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Water Treatment Plant

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Water Treatment Facilities Business

In the Water Treatment Facilities segment, Kurita (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Plant Division is improving the quality of ultrapure water used by electronics, petrochemicals and general industry, and developing wastewater treatment system in anticipation of future environmental regulations. Kurita Group is also developing technologies conducive to a closed-loop economy, including those for wastewater reclamation and reuse, technologies to reduce society’s environmental footprint.

Our Products and Services

For Electronics Industry

  • Ultrapure water (UPW) production systems
  • Wastewater reclamation system
  • Wastewater treatment (WWT) system
  • Operation and Maintenance services
  • Ultrapure water supply business
  • Function water system

Petro Chemicals and General Industry

  • Demineralized and Polishing water treatment systems
  • Pure water and DI production systems
  • Wastewater reclamation systems
  • Wastewater treatment (WWT) systems
  • Chemical cleaning services
  • Operation and Maintenance services