Privacy Policy

1. Basic Policy

Kurita Water Industries Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries (hereinafter called the "Kurita Group") will comply with laws and guidelines concerning the protection of personal information in each country and region (hereinafter collectively called the "Personal information Protection Laws") and the Kurita Group Code of Conduct and other internal regulations. The Kurita Group will strictly manage personal information of customers, business partners, shareholders, officers and employees (hereinafter collectively called "Data Subjects") and will not improperly use or disclose such personal information not only during employment but also after retirement.

Moreover, the Kurita Group will clarify the purpose of use before obtaining personal information of Data Subjects and obtain such information by lawful and fair means.

2. Method of Collection

Kurita Group may collect personal information from Data Subjects themselves, through publicly available information and through social media and from third parties.

3. Purpose of Use

The Kurita Group will use obtained personal information for the following purposes:

  • (1) Personal information of customers
    • To provide information on products and services by sending catalogs or emails, etc.;
    • To reply to various inquiries, including requests for advice on products and services;
    • To conduct customer satisfaction surveys and other surveys, etc.; and
    • To execute transactions with customers properly and smoothly.
  • (2) Personal information of business partners
    • To have various types of communication necessary for business; and
    • To execute business with business partners properly and smoothly.
  • (3) Personal information of shareholders
    • To provide various services from the Company in connection with their positions as shareholders;
    • To manage shareholders, including preparation of shareholders data based on the designated standards under various laws and regulations; and
    • To reply to inquiries from shareholders.
  • (4) Personal information of applicants for employment and internship and retired employees
    • To provide information and perform business related to recruiting activities;
    • To manage recruiting work at the Kurita Group; and
    • To provide information for and have communication, etc. with retired employees.
  • (5) Personal information of the Kurita Group's officers and employees, etc.
    • To have business communication; and
    • To perform workforce management, including assignment, payment of salaries, etc., work hours management and health management.

4. Provision to Third Parties

The Kurita Group will not provide personal information to any third party without the consent of the Data Subject except following cases.

  • Cases of joint use in accordance with the procedures stipulated in Personal information Protection Laws;
  • Cases of entrusting the handling of personal information;
  • Cases based on laws and regulations;
  • Cases in which there is a need to protect a human life, body or assets, and when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Data Subject;
  • Cases in which there is a special need to enhance public hygiene or promote the upbringing of healthy children, and when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Data Subject; or
  • Cases in which there is a need to cooperate in regard to a central government organization or a local government, or a person entrusted by them performing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and when there is a possibility that obtaining the consent of the Data Subject would interfere with the performance of the said affairs.

5. Joint Use

The Kurita Group may use provided personal information jointly with each company of the Kurita Group within the extent necessary to achieve the purposes described in "2. Purpose of Use" above. The categories of jointly used personal information, the scope of the use and the person responsible for controlling such information are as follows:

  • Categories of jointly used personal information
    • Names, company names, affiliation, telephone numbers, email addresses and other contact details and other matters necessary to achieve the purpose of use described above
  • Scope of a jointly using person
    • The Kurita Group
  • Person responsible for controlling information
    • Kurita Water Industries Ltd.

6. Provision to Persons Overseas

If the Kurita Group provides personal information for third parties or overseas group companies across national borders, it will confirm laws, regulations and rules regarding cross-border transfer of personal information and implement such transfer in compliance with those laws, etc.

7. Security Control Actions

In order to handle personal information properly, the Kurita Group will strive to strengthen and improve internal systems by appointing the personal information protection manager, complying with laws, regulations and guidelines, developing, operating and formulating internal regulations, developing audit systems, providing training to officers and employees, overseeing the handling of personal data and taking other measures.

In addition, upon entrusting the handling of personal information, the Kurita Group will select as an entrusted party a person that handles personal information properly, stipulate matters necessary to enable the entrusted party to control personal information properly and strive to protect personal information.

8. Various Procedures for Disclosure, Revision, Cessation of Use, Etc. of personal information

The Kurita Group will promptly respond to inquiries regarding disclosure, revision, cessation of use, deletion and other handling of personal information pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations.

The Kurita Group may ask inquirers about their contact details and other detailed information to confirm that they are the Data Subjects of the relevant personal information.

  • Click here for the form for a request for disclosure, etc.
  • Click here for inquiries about this Privacy Policy.

Point of contact for consultation regarding protection of personal information

Office to Protect personal information of Kurita (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

Address: 30 Joo Koon Road, Singapore 628984

Telephone: +65 6861 2622

9. Use of Cookies on Website

In order to improve services provided to the users on its website, the Kurita Group may use cookies only for the following purposes:

  • To improve its website, emails and other services;
  • To customize its website, emails and other services for each of the users; and
  • To utilize users’ browsing history and questionnaire results for marketing activities in a membership-based service where users register their personal information in advance.

Users may refuse the Kurita Group's use of cookies by refusing to accept cookies on the settings of their Internet browser. However, in such case, there may be certain restrictions, including unavailability of the customize function and other functions. If you experience such restrictions, please consult with the point of contact for consultation regarding protection of personal information described in the preceding paragraph.

10. Retention Period of personal information

The retention period of personal information shall be as permitted under the applicable laws and regulations. Personal information shall be promptly erased after the retention period, unless necessary for contractual or other purpose of processing.

11. Revision of Privacy Policy

The Kurita Group may revise all or part of this Privacy Policy from time to time.

  • The Privacy Policy shall be enforced from July 1, 2007.
  • Revised as of February 1, 2020