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Water Treatment Chemicals

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Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals

Water treatment is an integral part of safe and efficient boiler operation. Kurita Group range of products caters for low, mid and high pressure boiler systems. Kurita Group developed low toxicity base product for oxygen scavenging, multi-functional product for ease of application. US FDA listed material products for food and pharmaceutical industries are readily available.

Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals

To mitigate cooling water system problems as corrosion, scale, slime & Legionella bacteria, Kurita Group provide full range of treatment chemicals to ensure a safe, efficient and hygienic operation. Chemical list caters to both process and comfort cooling systems are readily available. These chemicals can be applied to various characteristics of makeup water from Potable water source, Recycled Waste Water, Newater and High Grade Industrial water.

RO Chemicals

Kurita Group developed bio-control agent in place of conventional oxidizing biocide; the advantage of elimination and/or reduction of additional chemicals such as Sodium Sulfite. Scale Inhibitors for various type of scale to prevent unscheduled downtime due to membrane fouling. Unique Recovery Agent with ability to rejuvenate RO Membrane. NSF Certified products are also available.

Wastewater Chemicals

Kurita Group environmental chemicals contribute to the smooth operation of wastewater treatment facilities. Specialized products are available to resolve issues on heavy metals, colors, etc. Chemicals to optimize dosages of inorganic chemicals leading to Total Cost Down of operation as well as lowering environmental impact.

Process Treatment Chemicals

Kurita Group products contribute to maintaining and improving production efficiency within the manufacturing processes of such industries as refinery and petrochemical plants. Our range covers demulsifier, anti-foulant and inhibitor.